Essay Questions for HHM Event/Essay Contest

Instructions: based on your experience with today’s exhibit, please write a (1) page essay (500 words max) that reflects on your views, opinions, beliefs, cultural heritage, and community connections.

Once completed, submit your essay to RCMAHS for a chance to win a KINDLE.

All essays must be emailed to

title it as Hispanic Heritage Essay,

and must be submitted by 5pm on Oct. 30th, 2014.

The winning writer will be notified via email

by Nov. 20th, 2014.

  1. Elementary students: What did you learn about this exhibit and the history of Riverside?
  2. Middle/Jr. high students: What impact have the featured stories had on the community of Riverside? Elaborate on positive social, economic, and political development.
  3. High school students: What do the stories illustrate about Hispanic heritage in Riverside? Can you identify important contributions of Mexican Americans in the County, City, or in your community?
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